Home Forums Module 1 – Designing for Cycling: What do you need to know? M1L1 – What can YOUR expertise and background contribute to cycling? Reply To: M1L1 – What can YOUR expertise and background contribute to cycling?


Hello everybody!

1) What areas of expertise do you identify with?
I am a transportation engineer, and I am working as a freelance transport planner and consultant, mainly in Greece.

2) How do you think your unique perspective will enhance our collective understanding of designing for cycling?
The peculiarities of any Greek city, e.g., small urban blocks, narrow roads, narrow sidewalks, limited urban green, high population density, inadequate public transport service, combined with the delinquent driving behaviors, the poor traffic law enforcement and the growing demand for safe and comfortable cycling infrastructure are a challenge for every transportation engineer and every infrastructure design manual!

3) Name & social media information
My LinkedIn profile is linkedin.com/in/anna-gogola-5a030232

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