Urban Air Mobility: using the space above our cities

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This course provides an overview of what is meant by the term ‘Urban Air Mobility’ and how it could benefit society in the near future. It will explore current attitudes towards Urban Air Mobility and drone technology based on current research and public and stakeholder engagement. 

The purpose of the course is to equip learners with an appreciation of this new form of mobility, acknowledging the opportunities and challenges for integration in our cities.

The first module introduces the topic and key terminology and addresses current misconceptions about drones. It presents the types of UAM aircraft being developed and introduces the stakeholders involved.

The second module presents the opportunities that Urban Air Mobility can bring to our cities, such as convenience, safety and environmental benefits, and the viable use cases including medical, personal deliveries and surveying.

The third module will focus on the challenges facing Urban Air Mobility today, such as technological, regulatory, economic and social. It will present the regulatory framework that is currently in place for the flying on unmanned aircraft.

The final module will focus on thinking about solutions to the challenges identified in the previous module. Countries and environments that are more favourable to integrating drones into the airspace will be discussed and the potential reasons for this will be explored


4 modules

Recommended schedule

2 days

Total length

2 hours


This course has been created in collaboration with LuxMobility

LuxMobility specialises in research and innovation projects for new forms of mobility, such as autonomous vehicles (CCAM) and urban air mobility. It is also involved in the production of mobility plans for companies, airports and cities.

Picture of Lucy Mascarenhas

Lucy Mascarenhas

Lucy Mascarenhas is an experienced Sustainable Mobility expert with 9 years of experience working in the transport planning sector for private and public organisations. Lucy specialises in the implementation of multi-modal transport enhancement schemes and co-ordinates the public and stakeholder engagement in relation to these. She is currently co-ordinating training and engagement on the topic of urban air mobility, in particular the AiRMOUR project which supports research in sustainable urban air mobility for the emergency medical services sector.

About the course

Free & Paid Options

You can access and participate in the course for free. If you want to earn a certificate upon completion, you can purchase it. The certificate will be accessible only once the course is successfully completed. Read more here.


Multi-language videos:

To make this course accessible for a greater audience, the videos’ subtitles are available in English, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish.

What Urban Professionals Have to Say

Good starting point to get to know the basics of UAM, respectively drone operations.
Sven Hafner
It is a quite useful course to have an overview of Urban Air Mobility.
Carlos Capitán

Ratings and Reviews

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7 Ratings
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Iman Alblooshi
Posted 1 month ago
The way of delivering the information

it was so informative

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Cory Martin
Posted 3 months ago
Lacks depth

Disappointed with this course's outdated and shallow content. Strongly suggest an urgent update and deeper coverage of the subject to make it worthwhile. I would recommend TUM's course in Urban Air Mobility for those seeking a more comprehensive introduction to this revolution in transportation.

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Bemnica Alfredo
Posted 4 months ago
Dronos will bring beneefits.

I liked the explanation videos, but i did not like the big texts, some of them are too long and desnecessary.

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Ivo Teicāns
Posted 4 months ago
New knowledge

Got new knowledge about UAM

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Daniel Hillenburg
Posted 6 months ago


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Christos Xylokotas
Posted 6 months ago
Innovation above

Great insights about the future of urban airspace use

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Rakan alhamam
Posted 6 months ago
Clear Overview about Urban

Clear Overview about Urban, knowledge base on researching

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