Home / Flexible Curbside Management (updated)
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Flexible Curbside Management (updated)

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Explore the potential of urban green infrastructure

Welcome! As cities grow, the needs of those who live or visit them also change and the way our infrastructure is designed and organized affects the way we live, wouldn’t you agree?

Curbside space is usually used for parking or bus stops, but with society and mobility evolving, it is increasingly used for other purposes such as public space, terraces, delivery areas, charging stations or cycling and shared mobility infrastructure. This can lead to a competitive situation between uses and users and where public space is not optimized for its best use. This short introductory course will give you a practical understanding of how flexible curbside management can help cities to manage their curb more effectively.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Discuss curbside management with respect to diverse users, and explain the benefits of flexible curbsides
  • Outline how technology can help understand the ways people are using curbsides, and how digitisation can enable a more dynamic use of the curb
  • Describe the strategy to design a (flexible) curbside according to users needs, looking at tactical urbanism and illustrating it with examples of best practice
  • Explain the role of authorities, decision-makers, citizens, and business stakeholders in the design proces.
This course is aimed at urban planners, city officials, mobility professionals, retailers and logistics professionals (stakeholders who are affected by curbside management)
4 modules


2 days

Recommended schedule

2 hours

Total length


Picture of Iskandar Tange

Iskandar Tange

Iskandar Tange is the CEO & Co-founder of Coding the Curbs,founded in 2020 as a collaboration between The Future Mobility Network and Elemental. Both companies have extensive experience in the fields of Smart Cities, logistics and mobility. From 2023 Coding the Curbs continued as a separate company with a dedicated team to innovate the way that city space is being used and allocated.

About the Course

Free & Paid options

You can access and participate in the course for free. If you want to earn a  certificate upon completion, you can purchase it. The certificate will be accessible only once the course is successfully completed. Read more here.

Ratings and Reviews

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7 Ratings
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Posted 2 months ago
Sufficiently covers all the basics

After going through the course you are ready to dive deep into this space. EIT has also provided many resources to going further.Thanks!

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Darumas Rismanu Andang Harjono
Posted 4 months ago
The Curbside Management

It helps me to know about curbside and its management. It sounds unfamiliar my country, only big cities have it. With this knowledge may help me to improve the curbside's usage and its management in my own country. Thank you so much.

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Posted 8 months ago


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Albert Bigorra
Posted 8 months ago
a new aprroach in cursside management

I arrive without any expectations and I learn a lot,

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Mário Tavares Alves
Posted 9 months ago
Innovative approach on curbside management

Interesting course on new ways of exploring and managing the curbside. Eye opening to understand how curb management can also be flexible and based on innovative approches using digital technology and problem-solving ideas. The examples given are all from the Netherlands, it would be nice to see other examples from non-Dutch cities.

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Julia Aalbers
Posted 12 months ago
informative & fun!

The course was super helpful in learning about curbside management and all the possibilities in improving them. As some one interested in urban planning, I love to learn more about all things mobility - It is great to see what multimodal options there are out there. The course was really accessible and gave me a ton of new perspectives to think about 🙂

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Marc Prades
Posted 1 year ago
smart solutions

Very interesting to know what's possible

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