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Tackling noise pollution in cities

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The propagation of noise that can have a harmful impact on the activities of humans and wildlife is known as noise pollution.
The growing levels of environmental noise worldwide have caused multiple environmental and health problems, including sleep disturbance, annoyance and irritability, heart disease, or learning difficulties, among others.
Major sources of noise pollution include road, railway and air traffic, as well as industrial and leisure activities. It can also be caused by construction work or wind turbines. It can also be caused by loud music, construction and electrical generators.
The amount of people exposed to harmful levels of noise in European cities is increasing. However, most people are unaware of the adverse effects of this risk on their health and wellbeing.
By completing this course, the student…
• The concepts and principles surrounding the mechanics of noise pollution as well as the latest evidence linking noise with public health concerns.
• The vital importance of tackling noise pollution in cities, as it is putting people’s physical, mental and social health at risk.
• Awareness about noise pollution as one of the most important environmental stressors affecting public health in Europe.
3 modules


1 day

Recommended schedule

1 hour and 30 minutes

Total length


Picture of PhD Maria Foraster

PhD Maria Foraster

Maria Foraster is an Assistant Research Professor in Environmental Epidemiology at ISGlobal and Associate Professor of Public Health at Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona). She studies how the urban environment affects health over the life-span, with a special focus on noise. She has participated in 18 cutting-edge projects and co-authored 51 peer-reviewed papers. She has obtained a Marie Slodowska-Curie Seal of Excellence and Beatriu de Pinós fellowship for her study on noise and brain development and has been scientific advisor for the WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines (2018)

Picture of PhD Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen

PhD Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen

Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen is a world leading expert in environmental exposure assessment, epidemiology, and health risk/impact assessment with a strong focus and interest on healthy urban living. He has edited three books and co-authored more than 450 papers published in peer reviewed journals and 35 book chapters. In 2018, he was awarded the ISEE John Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Epidemiology. In 2018, 2019 and 2020, he was among the 1% most cited scientists in the world.

Picture of PhD Carlota Saenz De Tejada

PhD Carlota Saenz De Tejada

Carlota Saenz De Tejada is a Postdoctoral Researcher at ISGlobal Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative. With a background in Architecture and Urban Planning, she has participated in several national and international projects on housing and health, informal settlements, and on urban planning strategies for health and resilience; collaborating, among others, with the Barcelona Provincial Council, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

This course has been created in collaboration with IsGlobal

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ISGlobal, is the fruit of an innovative alliance between the “la Caixa” Foundation, academic institutions and government bodies to contribute to the efforts undertaken by the international community to address the challenges in global health.

About the Course

Free & Paid Options

You can access and participate in the course for free. If you want to earn a  certificate upon completion, you can purchase it. The certificate will be accessible only once the course is successfully completed. Read more here.

Multi-language videos:

To make this course accessible for a greater audience, the videos’ subtitles are available in English and other European Languages 

What Urban Professionals Have to Say

The course is very enjoyable, reviews the regulatory framework and focuses on raising awareness of the health impact of noise as well as trends to reduce noise levels.
Iris Cuevas
LIBELIUM Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.

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4 Ratings
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Posted 4 months ago


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Kaung Htet Swan
Posted 4 months ago
For CPD Hours


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Nina Burke
Posted 9 months ago
Good primer on the subject of noise pollution and its effects

Material well-presented and summarized

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Jessica Caroline Edeme
Posted 9 months ago
very insightful and makes you reflect

I wish it was longer, and that it provided us with a reading list of relevant literature at the end.

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