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Home / Demystifying Shared Mobility

Demystifying Shared Mobility

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Welcome to the EIT Urban Mobility course ‘Demystifying Shared Mobility’! This short introductory course will give you a glimpse into the shared mobility ecosystem. Upon completion, you will understand the factors and background behind today’s shared mobility, the systems currently available, the main players involved, and where they have succeeded and failed in its implementation. You will also find out what the main challenges ahead are.

5 modules


1 day

Recommended schedule

1 hour and 30 minutes

Total length

Free & Paid Options

You can access and participate in the course for free. If you want to earn a  certificate upon completion, you can purchase it. The certificate will be accessible only once the course is successfully completed. Read more here.

What Urban Professionals Have to Say

Highly recommended! Take out an hour's time to learn about the new trends. It's easy and free for everyone.
Nishchay Agarwal
Technische Universität Berlin
A brief but thorough insight on the possibilities and opportunities in future mobility modelling, focusing on changing once mindset from sustainable mobility as a service into sustainable mobility as a lifestyle.
Tim van Schaik
Bachelor student TU/e
A good course that breaks down the jargon to simple words.
Fahad RAJA
BIKY Solutions

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