Home / Urban Mobility: Accessibility for ALL

Urban Mobility: Accessibility for ALL

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Welcome! In our modern city lifestyle we take it for granted that we can choose among various modes of transport, that we can use public spaces in reasonable comfort and safety. In an ideal, universally designed, city this would actually be the case for all of us.

In this short course we talk about accessibility in the context of universal design, we explore the benefits of universally designed environments, and we look at design tools and methods that deliver urban mobility for everyone. You will understand:

  • What universal design is and how a holistic approach can help understand and solve complex situations
  • The benefits of universal mobility for equal access
  • What it means to have reduced sensory, physical or cognitive functions
  • What design features are important to provide better accessibility
4 modules


1 day

Recommended schedule

1 hour and 30 minutes

Total length


Picture of Veronika Egger

Veronika Egger

Veronika Egger is an information designer and universal design professional. For over 25 years she has dedicated her time and effort towards making information, buildings, products, and environments understandable and easy to use for everyone.

Her projects span orientation and wayfinding for public transport and public buildings, instructional design, design evaluation and research.

Veronika owns her own company, IS DESIGN, LLC, where they practice a “design for all” and “universal design” approach. She also co-founded Design For All in Austria, and is President elect of the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) and Life Fellow of the Communication Research Institute (CRI).

Free & paid options

You can access and participate in the course for free. If you want to earn a certificate upon completion, you can purchase it. The certificate will be accessible only once the course is successfully completed. Read more here.

What Urban Professionals Have to Say

This is very useful in understanding the world from someone else's point of view. It also highlights not to create a technology gap in accessibility solutions as technology is not always available to everyone. This is a brilliant crash course and a great way to begin understanding accessibility.

Ratings and Reviews

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6 Ratings
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Holland Guthrie
Posted 1 day ago
Making video information more accessible

It would be nice to have pdf versions of the videos or transcripts that can be copy/pasted

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Posted 2 months ago
Use of DRT

I liked the clarity of presentation

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Mohammed Bayaz Abdul Hakkem
Posted 3 months ago
about the visuality of urban mobility

i like the way of showing the particular points towards the topic.

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Eduardo Cabrera
Posted 5 months ago
Excelente Tema

Hablar de Accesibilidad para todos representa una inclusión de cada una de las personas, Los espacios y servicios públicos accesibles, seguros y utilizables crean un entorno inclusivo que permite a todos participar en la sociedad.

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Anand Arokiaraj
Posted 11 months ago
Good foundation on accessibility

Like the way the basic aspects of accessibility were covered. Some web links are outdated. Basics of elevation and sanitation accessibility could also have been covered

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Malin Hassler
Posted 1 year ago
Great content and a very interesting and crucial topic

Sometimes I got lost in the modules, if I pressed "Continue" after a video I moved to the next chapter, not realising I missed information in the previous one. The Drag and Drop function in the quiz did not really work properly for me so I couldn't place the sentences as I wanted. Otherwise great!

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