Veronika Egger
Veronika Egger is an information designer and universal design professional. For over 25 years she has dedicated her time and effort towards making information, buildings, products, and environments understandable and easy to use for everyone.
Her projects span orientation and wayfinding for public transport and public buildings, instructional design, design evaluation and research.
Veronika owns her own company, IS DESIGN, LLC, where they practice a “design for all” and “universal design” approach. She also co-founded Design For All in Austria, and is President elect of the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) and Life Fellow of the Communication Research Institute (CRI).
Hablar de Accesibilidad para todos representa una inclusión de cada una de las personas, Los espacios y servicios públicos accesibles, seguros y utilizables crean un entorno inclusivo que permite a todos participar en la sociedad.