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User Experience for Inclusive Cycling in Cities

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This course introduces user experience (UX) as a tool for making cycling inclusive, and presents methods to rethink cycling infrastructure in terms of the end user. Learners will become versed in several user-centered methods to make cycling more accessible and inclusive. The goal is to learn about different types of everyday people and fit cycling into their lives.

Cover image icons: FreePik

6 Modules + 1 Bonus module


2-3 Hours per week / 6 weeks

Recommended schedule

15 Hours + additional readings

Total length


Picture of Trey Hahn

Trey Hahn

Trey helps professionals and organizations think about end users of the street how to incorporate people's experiences into the planning and design process. He works on this for cycling with Bicycle User Experience (BUX) and the Urban Cycling Institute. Deeper thinking about people's characteristics and needs is the starting point for usable, high-quality mobility infrastructure.

Who is this course for?

  • Urban planners, designers, and advocates looking to better understand how to make cycling infrastructure inclusive
  • Professionals interested in people-centered methods and in gaining a richer understanding of the end user
  • Students interested in learning about the application of user experience in cycling.

What will you learn?

At the end of this course, you will think from the perspective of the end user in designing for cycling and be versed in methods to integrate different types of people’s needs into the street design.

Recommended prerequisites

An interest in people-centered methods and the experience of cycling, and/or background in mobility planning, user experience, or social sciences.

Free & paid options

You are free to access and participate in the course for free. If you want to earn a certificate upon completion, you can purchase a certificate. The certificate will be accessible only once the course is successfully completed. Read more here.

What Urban Professionals Have to Say

This course has shown me many different perspectives of cycling I did not consider before. It gives a practical and fresh view on the discipline and helps specially to grab the different perspectives individual cyclist might have on cycling and the city. The methods and exercise helped me to structure ideas I already had or developed through the course. I highly recommend the course to anyone, who wants to develop a more practical and diverse picture on the cyclist and cycling in the city.
Rita Jankowski
Mobility analyst and PhD candidate
This course highlighted relevant methods to evaluate, analyse and improve the cycling experience in cities. It was very accessible and easy to follow, enabling to re-watch and re-visit previous lessons and videos.
R. Martelo
PhD in Design at University of Lisbon
Before taking User Experience for Inclusive Cycling in Cities, I had a lot of hunches about the importance of considering cycling experiences for urban planning and promotion. However, I struggled to understand how I could systematically capture experiences in a way that would be creditable and beneficial for myself, the organisations I worked for and for the traveling public. The course gave me the solid tools I was searching for and an understanding of their background and how to apply them. Even if you don't apply them directly, these tools are great to have in the back of your mind when considering cycling in your city as a policymaker, planner, advocate or just someone who likes to ride. I highly recommend this course.
Jacqui Hicks
Transport Planner

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Marta Busetto
Posted 1 year ago
Great to get a sense of BUX with plenty of resource to go deeper in the study

I didn't know much about UX design and i've never heard of UX applied to cycling, the course is clear enough to get a sense of what this is and the advantages of tools and techniques and offers plenty of resources (articles, videos, other course) to further investigate this topic. The structue of the course, with one quiz and exercises after each module allow to track your progess.

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Trey Hahn
Posted 2 months ago

Marta, good to hear the course was useful, and wishing best with any further study on the topic!

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