Home / Topics / User Experience for Inclusive Cycling in Cities / People centred design and user experience
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    • #29951
      Jacqueline Hicks

      It was interesting thinking about utility and usability – and it reminded me of the concepts of self-efficacy and outcome efficacy in social psychology but one is about the product and the other is about the person undertaking the behaviour – self-efficacy is about the ability to undertake a behaviour (like usability is the ability to use something intuitively and learn as you go) and outcome efficacy is the ability for your behaviour to achieve the outcomes you are aiming for (like utility is what the program actually delivers for you).

      I think the biggest takeaway is thinking about our intuition in design and appropriate feedback. I think this can extend a long way in cycling – like the feedbacks when you choose to cycling can be both quite intimate (in your direct physical and sensory experiences as you ride) but also how streetscapes can give you feedback to help or hinder both your self-efficacy and outcome efficacy.

      I liked thinking about doors and other objects in our life and how they can be designed poorly

    • #29972
      Trey Hahn

      This is super interesting! I was not familiar with the social psychology perspective, looking forward to reading more into it.

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