Forum Replies Created
Gesno George
ParticipantGesno George, India
I am from Inida but I have been living in the Uk for the last 3 years. I would say the situation is similar to the results both in the UK and India keeping in mind that Delhi have been included in the study. I recently did a study to understand the Role of Gender and ethnicity in Active Travel based in Oxford, UK. The study also concluded that a womens travel choices are very much depended on different personal factors and its mostly linked with household works like picking the children from school, droping them off for activities and care giving. One of the barrier for women to cycle was also tied up with the culture they have been raised which even includes thier clothing or being raised in a partiarchial society where car/bike where seen as a mens travel mode. The social expectation of women to women to act in a certain way also adds when they choose thier mode of travel. Women always seems to plan thier journey ahead due to safety reasons; the probable route they might be taking, time of travel etc.
When comparing driving rate: The rate of women driving have been increasing over these years but still its low compared to men. I think the reason is that it gives them more felixibilty in managing thier work and household rather than it being a progress towards inclusive planning. As without this, women greatly have to depend more on thier family to get things done/travel to different destinations.