Micro and Active Mobility

The use on human-powered vehicles and personal transportation devices: walking, cycling, scooters, electric bikes etc.

Street of a city with people, tram and other vehicles.

Fundamentals of Urban Mobility

This course introduces the fundamentals of urban mobility planning. Mobility choices affect all aspects of city life: from economic efficiency to social inclusion, sustainability, and quality of life. These choices shape and reshape cities in irreversible ways. Urban life is much better for everyone when we invest in mobility for all, not just car users.

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User Experience for Inclusive Cycling in Cities

User Experience for Inclusive Cycling in Cities This course introduces user experience (UX) as a tool for making cycling inclusive, and presents methods to rethink cycling infrastructure in terms of the end user. Learners will become versed in several user-centered methods to make cycling more accessible and inclusive. The goal is to learn about different types of everyday

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Designing the Cycling City

Designing the Cycling City This five week course gives you the building blocks and basic skills required to start designing your cycling city. You will discover the best practices in bicycle infrastructure design and how to bring these elements together in your home context. The final design project invites you to present a plan that

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