We help Urban Mobility professionals
make our cities more liveable.

Urban Mobility Courses

This project is co-funded by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.


Other e-courses

We offer additional e-courses* in collaboration with reference universities:

* Please note that you will need to sign in to a different platform to access these courses.

EIT Campus

Explore all e-courses

Check our recently launched courses and view all our catalogue below:


Autonomous Vehicles: An opportunity for Cities

Explore the transformative impact of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on cities: addressing promises, skepticism, and delving into essential requirements for their deployment to shape the city of tomorrow.


Cycling Insights: Lessons from Europe

This course will help you to grasp cycling's societal context and urban design impact, and envision an ideal future cycling environment.


Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) – Updated

Discover Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Understand their importance, components, and engagement strategies, equipping yourself to shape sustainable cities.

Curbside in action

Flexible Curbside Management (updated)

New mobility services, increasing freight and evolving mobility behaviours also affect the way we use the curb in cities. Join our course to learn more about how the curb can be managed in a flexible way and adapted to current needs in cities!


Superblocks: rethinking cities and urban spaces for citizens (updated)

Superblocks have revolutionised accessibility in Barcelona. Join this short course to discover this cost-effective solution and why not, unlocking its secrets for your own neighbourood...


The power of Mobility Data: Discover how every move matters

Explore the world of mobility data and learn about how vital it is for mobility in cities, while understanding it's advantages and limitations. Join us on this data-driven journey to optimise movement in our urban spaces.

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Urban Mobility Courses is a collaboration between several European and international companies and organisations: HumanKindBicycle User Experience (BUX), Cycling Research Review, and more. 

Urban Mobility Courses (UMC) is supported by the EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to encourage positive changes in the way people move around cities in order to make them more sustainable and liveable. Within EIT Urban Mobility’s Academy, the Competence Hub provides training programmes and content for professionals working in the field of urban mobility. We leverage the expertise of EIT Urban Mobility’s unique network of 250+ European companies, research institutions, universities and cities, to identify trends and new technologies, highlight key issues or controversies, and to create innovative, practical, and impact-oriented training content.


For more information, please check out the Competence Hub webpage as well as our Youtube Channel Urban Mobility Explained (UMX). UMX hosts a series of short and easy-to-follow videos that showcase cutting-edge practices, inspiring projects, and innovative concepts in urban mobility throughout Europe. It has been designed to highlight thought-provoking perspectives and key competencies needed for the successful delivery of urban mobility solutions and to close the urban mobility knowledge gap.  



If you want to know more about us and/or our different training programmes/solutions, please send an email to competencehub@eiturbanmobility.eu.

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